Messge of KFA Turkey


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the country of President Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il, the steel fortress of world socialism, is entering its 74th year with a victory over the pandemic. The fact that the DPRK defeated this virus in 91 days is an event that gives great hope to the peoples of the world. 

KFA Turkey and all communists from Turkey congratulate the Workers' Party of Korea and the socialist Korean people for this victory. KFA Turkey salutes this victory as an example that sheds light on the struggle for peace and socialism. 

We are trying to introduce to our own people this collective victory of the Korean people who, under the guidance of Comrade Kim Jong Un, are running from victory to victory on the road to socialism. This victory is also a slap in the face of the south Korean fascist puppets. This victory of the Workers' Party of Korea against the virus refutes all kinds of imperialist and revisionist propaganda and anti-socialist fuss. 

The victory proves the superiority of the DPRK, which destroyed the virus in 91 days, which the imperialist circles could not destroy for nearly 2.5 years. 

Long live KFA! 

Long live the Workers' Party of Korea! 

Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!


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