Report of Concluding Meeting of the European Regional Seminar for the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK held under the title ‘‘74 years of progress and prosperity under the banner of the Juche Idea ‘

The Second and concluding meeting  of the European Regional Seminar for the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK under the title of 74 years of Progress and Prosperity under the banner of the Juche Idea  at 1500 hours on the 11th of September .

 The meeting was  participated by people from the following countries  ; Austria , Belgium ,Bulgaria, Finland, Germany , Italy , Luxembourg , Pakistan, Nepal, Sweden , Spain, Switzerland and the UK . Messages were received from KFA Turkey and also from KFA Greece . These were read out to the meeting by its Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson , KFA UK Chairman as well as a short message of best wishes from KFA President Alejandro Cao De Benos .

  Dr Hudson , KFA UK Chairman introduced the meeting saying that the first meeting was a great success . He referred to the successful celebrations in the DPRK itself and also to the recent historic Policy Speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN to the 7th Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK .

Andy Brooks, general secretary of the New Communist Party of Britain and a KFA member, made an address to the meeting stressing the need to defend the DPRK as the US hostile policy continues no matter who is in power in the US. He denounced the warmongering of the US against the DPRK . Lastly , Andy Brooks praised the achievements of the DPRK and said that the Juche idea should be promoted.

The general secretary of KFA Switzerland, comrade Daniel Grassili  read out the speech of comrade Martin Lotscher , Chairman of KFA Switzerland and Chairman of the Swiss -Korea Committee   . The speech said in part “Turmoil and rebellion, organised by the anti-socialist hostile forces, supported by the imperialists and reactionaries, led to the collapse of socialism in Europe in the years 1989-1991.

But there is a socialist state in the Far East which not only survived all obstacles and challenges of history, but achieved one victory after the other on the way of socialist construction.

This country is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the land of Juche, founded by the great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG on September 9, Juche 37 (1948).

The DPRK will celebrate its 74th founding anniversary and will reach the same age as the Soviet Union when it collapsed.

But all people who know the DPRK's reality and vitality of Juche-oriented socialism know very well that it will never collapse, regardless of what will happen in other parts of the world

Charles Doerner, Chairman of the Luxembourg-Korea Friendship Association spoke . He brought the greetings of his association to the meeting. He praised the DPRK ‘s victory over Covid 19 which could only be achieved under the socialist system of the DPRK .

Comrade PR Pant ,General Secretary, Nepal-Korea Friendship Association addressed the meeting saying throughout the course of its history the DPRK have made great achievements under the banner of the Juche idea  . The Korean people had defeated two imperialism and built a fine socialist country .

Dr Dermot Hudson said that solidarity with the DPRK must be stepped and that the idea of defending the DPRK with No Ifs or Buts  must be realised in pratice . Moreover , he strongly supported the DPRK ‘s new law on nuclear forces and the excellent speech of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  to the 7th Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly . Dr Hudson said it is a great thing that the DPRK’s nuclear status is irreversible .

The representative of KFA Finland said that it is the independent right of the DPRK to decide its own nuclear policy and no one should interfere . The representative of KFA Germany said that the US policy was hypocritical and had double standards . The representative of KFA Austria explained the work of KFA Austria in defending the DPRK and having discussions with people.

The meeting adopted a special resolution in support of the historic policy speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN to the 7th session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly and the DPRK law on state policy of nuclear forces.

Meeting concluded at 1657 hours.


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