People’s Korea Prospers Under the Banner of the Juche Idea- contribution of Dr Dermot Hudson, Chairman of the Korean Friendship Association UK , Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea.

On September 9th  it will be the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK )  , the homeland of Juche and the independent socialist country . Over the past 74 years the DPRK has travelled along the road of Juche, making great progress and achieving great prosperity . The DPRK  is the longest existing socialist country  , the USSR collapsed after 69 years and the Eastern European socialist countries barely got beyond 40 years. The DPRK is the first socialist country to celebrate its 74th anniversary . This is proof of the invincibility and durability of Juche-based , Korean style socialism .

 The DPRK  is the creation of the Korean people and not the creation  of outside forces, the DPRK was never a puppet of anybody else or a copy of a foreign model . In his work  “THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA IS A JUCHE-ORIENTED SOCIALIST STATE WITH INVINCIBLE MIGHT “,Chairman KIM JONG IL said that “Our Republic is an independent socialist State that absolutely maintains its Juche character and thoroughly preserves its national identity in its development and activities”

  This point was amplified by dear respected Marshal KIM JONG  UN  who said  as follows ;

"Our socialism is an independent socialism strong in the Juche character and national identity.

“The Juche character is the nature of socialism, and independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in national defence are the road to achieving the eternal victory and prosperity of our style of socialism. Independent politics makes it possible to formulate lines and policies in keeping with the fundamental principles of the revolution and the people’s demand for and interests in independence and consistently implement them however difficult and complicated the situation may be, so as to lead the revolution and construction to victory, and to exercise complete sovereignty and equal rights in the external relations so as to exalt the dignity and might of the country.

Right from the days of its foundation in 1948 the DPRK has been guided by the Juche idea in all activities .The guiding principles of the Juche  idea; Juche in ideology , political independence , self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in defence have been thoroughly applied in the course of building the DPRK .The DPRK does not have foreign troops stationed on its soil and it is not a member of the IMF, World Bank ,  WEF ,WTO or APEC . All the DPRK’s policies are totally independent and framed to meet the interests of the Korean people rather than outside forces. The DPRK is known to friends and foes as the most independent country in the world .

  Thanks to the Juche idea and the leadership of President KIM IL SUNG  the DPRK avoided Right and Left deviations that plagued other socialist countries . It carried out the socialist transformation of production relations in its own way according to its own needs and own conditions . In 1958 the socialist transformation of production relations was completed ,creating an advanced socialist system in the DPRK without exploitation or oppression .In fact the socialist transformation of production relations in the DPRK was carried out at a much faster pace than in other socialist countries .

  In the DPRK  free medical care and free education were introduced and taxation , the curse of mankind , was abolished in 1974.

  The growth of the DPRK economy was truly phenomenal .In the late 1950s the DPRK economy grew at a rate of 36.6% per annum between 1957 -1960 . In 1957 its rate of growth hit 44%, undoubtedly the highest in the world. Overall the DPRK economy  grew 431 times in terms of industrial output value and 65 times in national income between 1946-1984 .This is all the more astonishing when you take into consideration the sanctions and blockades of the imperialists  and the massive devastation caused by the US imperialists during the Fatherland Liberation War of 1950 to 1953. This was thanks to the line of building an independent national economy and self-reliance based on the Juche idea .

The DPRK under the banner of Songun and Juche , has become a socialist nuclear power of Juche and also an ICBM power . This is a great achievement which enables the DPRK to defend its independence and the happy lives of its people .

Today under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN who follows in the footsteps of President KIM IL SUNG and Chairman KIM JONG IL , the DPRK is prospering under the banner of the Juche Idea and the banner of self-reliance. Earlier this year 10,000 new flats were completed in the Songhwa area of Pyongyang and new style homes were built in Kyongru-dong along the bank of the River Pothong . These homes were given to people free of charge but in London the price of a flat  can reach £ 1 million.

The DPRK has achieved a great victory by eliminating Covid 19 100 days after it broke out .The DPRK 's victory over Covid 19  was achieved through self-reliance and without outside help . The DPRK correctly rejected the fake 'humanitarian aid ' of imperialism and vaccines of the big capitalist pharmaceutical monopolies of the imperialist world who seek only profit . The DPRK 's victory was also due to the fact that the Workers' Party of Korea and the people's government took measures so quickly and resolutely . In the Western world some governments failed to act quickly against Covid 19.

The 74 years of the DPRK’s existence have been 74 years of progress and prosperity under the banner of the Juche Idea . The DPRK will prosper more greatly in the future under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN and without the so-called aid of the imperialists and the south Korean puppets .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Vice-Chairman OCIFIPGP  


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