Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. A country of happiness and prosperity under the star of Juche style socialism-Alan Bolon KFA UK Organisation Secretary , head of KFA UK West of England

The Korean path of revolution is a world phenomenon in the international communist movement, in the development of the thought and philosophy of Marxism - Leninism. The Korean Revolution liberated the masses of the people and created a state based on equality and justice.

 How was the idea of Korean revolutionary way to liberate the country, the way to build up the Korean style of socialism created? What is the Korean revolution characterized? What are the characteristics of the Korean path to socialism? 

 First of all, attention should be paid to the strongly emphasized role of man, individual in the process of revolutionary transformation of society and all spheres of the state's life, social, economic and political. The priority role of man which results from the philosophy of Juche, which places man in the centre with his inherent features, but it is not idealistic, as claimed by the revisionist view widespread in Western society, about the incompatibility of Juche with Marxism. These features, first discovered by Juche philosophy, defines a special role and position of man in the world. Thus, they focus attention on the individual - part of the masses of the people. 

 It allows us to see the individual man in the process of revolution, in order to develop man and fully satisfy his needs, aspirations. Thanks to this, the Korean revolution continues uninterruptedly, starting from the liberation from the Japanese occupation, through victory in the war against the American aggressors and the successive march of building socialism and many achievements and successes in these time, until now - continuation to single hearted and united society which is prospering and flourishing on the basis of Korean - style socialism. During the Japanese occupation (1910-1945), the Great Leader Kim Il Sung, first sought a way to activate the Korean nation under occupation, under the yoke of slavery, to organize activeresistance, to oppose the Japanese occupiers and release enthusiasm from popular masses, to initiative energy for action to organize for fight to achieve liberation and independence of Korea. 

 Kim Il Sung, in the process of searching for the Korean way of revolution, continued through his active and devoted life with the popular masses his searching to the properly and suitable path for the Korean nation for liberation. He was always listening to popular masses and Juche philosophy is based on practical aspects of human life. The Great Leader Kim Il Sung, also through his studies of Marxism and this philosophy of liberating the proletariat, in class struggles, created by combined wisdom the Juche philosophy being the root to the Korean path of revolution. The victorious October Revolution ( 1917 ) in Russia, brought hope to the world to popular masses around the world, and showed the direction on the way to building socialism in the first country of the USSR. The philosophy of Marxism brought with it revolutionary movements across the world. 

 As we can see in the works of Kim Il Sung, he was looking for a way to liberate Korea based on the revolutionary ideology of Marxism adapted to Korean objective historical and social conditions: ' ... It was not simply out of academic interest or from a spirit of inquiry that I spent night after night reading in my secondary school days. I did not delve into the books with the object of becoming a scholar or for the purposes of a career. How could we expel the Japanese imperialists and win back our country? How could we do away with social inequality and make the working people prosperous? These were the questions the answers to which I wanted to discover in the books. No matter what book I was reading and where, I was always seeking the answers to these questions. I am sure it was in the course of this that my position was established of approaching Marxism - Leninism not as a dogma but as a practical weapon and of searching for the truth not in an abstract theory but always in the practice of the Korean revolution. In those days I read 'The Communist Manifesto', 'The Capital', 'The State and Revolution', 'Wage Labour' and 'Capital' and other Marxist - Leninist classics and books expounding them which I came In addition to political books, I read many works of revolutionary literature ... ' 'With the Century' Kim Il Sung. Chapter III. (1. 'The pursuit of progressive thoughts' )

Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, studied Marxist literature, spent many days and nights on learning and reflecting on creating the way to the Korean path of liberation. Marxism - Leninism inspired Comrade Kim Il Sung to create a way adapted to Korean society. 

 These days enriched his creating process to Korean style revolution, also in the practical experiences and activity in 'Down With Imperialism Union' -organisation - where Comrade Kim Il Sung slowly began to crystallize the original Korean revolution path, the path with its distinctive features based on man's features expanded by Juche Idea, and on alliance of social classes in the struggle for national liberation. On the alliance of the peasantry with the emerging and growing partisan army. This process was fully under the influence of the revolutionary spirit of Marxist ideology and its principles:

 ' ... A man can be said to have established his revolutionary world view when he becomes aware of his class position and interests, hates the exploiting classes, is prepared to safeguard the interests of his class and then embarks on the path of revolution with a determination to build a new society. I began to realize my class position through reading the Marxist-Leninist classics and other revolutionary books, became aware of many inequalities by observing social phenomena, conceived a growing hatred for the exploiting classes and exploiter society and, in the end, embarked on the road of struggle with a resolve to reform and rebuild the world. The more I read the works of Marx and Lenin and the deeper I became absorbed in them, the greater the urge I felt to disseminate their revolutionary theories among the young people and students as soon as possible ...' 'With the Century' Kim Il Sung. Chapter III. (1. 'The pursuit of progressive thoughts' )

The application of the science and philosophy of Marxism was not an easy process. Comrade Kim Il Sung, had to face the objective historical and social conditions from this time to solve in new way, the way for create programme to liberation to the Korean nation and establish wider in the process of the build socialist construction.

 Comrade Kim Il Sung, in creating the Korean path of revolution, had to solve many problems, social, economical and military aspects as well. He was close to his friends and discussing many times the issues with ideological struggles and differences from Marxist view to apply to the Korean path of revolution: ' ... Once I asked him about the Marxist - Leninist propositions on the dictatorship of the proletariat. He explained to me the propositions of the Marxist-Leninist classics which interpreted the proletarian dictatorship from different angles at different stages of historical development. For his theoretical attainments and learning, he could be called a master of Marxism. But there was something that was beyond the reach of his knowledge, something he found it hard to answer. I asked him the question: Although the Marxist-Leninist classics say that the class emancipation of the working class comes before national liberation, is it not true that in our country the yoke of Japanese imperialism should be thrown off first before the class emancipation of the workers and peasants? This question was argued about a great deal among our comrades. We found that the Marxist - Leninist classics fell short of providing a theoretical explanation of the interrelations between the emancipation of the working class and national liberation. As for the national liberation struggle in colonial countries, there were many problems which required scientific elucidation. Pak So Sim answered my question only vaguely. I asked him another question: The Marxist-Leninist classics generally say that the revolution in the suzerain state and that in a colonial country are organically linked with each other and stress the importance of the victory of the revolution in the suzerain state

That means that our country will be able to attain its independence only after the working class of Japan have won their revolution, doesn’t it? So should we wait until they win? ..'. 'With the Century' Kim Il Sung. Chapter III. (1. 'The pursuit of progressive thoughts' ) 

 As we can see, Comrade Kim Il Sung did not rely only on themselves and their own thoughts. He drew from the wisdom of other people, relied on the knowledge and experience of the popular masses, from peasants and other classes in Korean society.

 So, for example, the experiences of the Russian Revolution, although worth noting and modeling, could not be a profitable basis for the Korean way to be copied. It could not, because the class system of Korean society was different, and also different objective social and historical conditions. 

 After many discussions, considerations and theoretical - writing work, and above all on the practice gained in partisan struggle, Comrade Kim Il Sung created the Korean way of revolution and national liberation: ' ... My accumulation of knowledge and experience in Jilin enabled me to build the framework of an independent revolutionary thought in the future ...' For the first time, the Korean path of revolution was featured in an epochal speech on the Meeting of Leading Personnel of the Young communist League and the Anti - Imperialists Youth League Held in Kalun 30th of June 1930. In this speech Comrade Kim Il Sung 

He ignited a spark that ignited the popular masses to resist the Japanese occupiers in a well organized way. The significance of this historic speech is much greater, it prepared popular masses, all united front to difficulties and hardship in the process of liberation by active armed struggle. Also, in this speech, the first features of the future national philosophy of Juche emerged. Comrade Kim Il Sung stressed thatthe Korean people must go their own way, relying on their own strength, not to copy anything from others, only this way will enable to free Korean nation from the shackles of Japanese slavery. It was one of the foundations of Juche's philosophy in the emphasis on independence and unity in the outlined goals of the revolution. ' ... Next, in order to guarantee success in the Korean revolution, we must step up the work of founding a party. For the Korean revolution to be victorious there must be a Marxist - Leninist party, the General Staff of the revolution. Only a revolutionary party can formulate a correct line, strategy and tactics, mobilize the broad masses for a struggle against the Japanese imperialists, and build a socialist and communist society ...' Kim Il Sung 'The Path of the Korean Revolution' ( 'Report to the Meeting of Leading personnel of the Young Communists League and the Anti - Imperialist Youth League' ) Held at Kalun, 30th of June, 1930.

 So, as we see from the very beginning, Marxist - Leninist thought served as the foundation and the general ideological line of the future Workers Party of Korea. It is worth to stress out, because in our time, modern revisionism, together with pro - Western opportunist influences, tries to distort and distort the truly Marxist face of the revolutionary communist party that is the workers party of Korea is. Revolutionary path of Korean liberation is based on Juche philosophy. The Juche philosophy is an original idea combined with Marxist - Leninist elements in remaining relations to Marxism and wider expanded by experiences from the historical process of the Korean revolution on the Korean conditions. 

 The Korean way of revolution is a wonderful example of the vitality of the teaching of Marxism - Leninism. An example of the unbounded spirit of the Korean nation that can and should be amodel for the liberation of other nations that are under imperialist exploitation and strive for full independence. 

 Moreover, it is an example, that Marxism - Leninism is a true science based on the reality and helps liberates man from all forms of slavery, exploitation and oppression. As Lenin said: ' ... All nations will arrive at socialism – this is inevitable, but all will do so in not exactly the same way, each will contribute something of its own to some form of democracy, to some variety of the dictatorship of the proletariat, to the varying rate of socialist transformations in the different aspects of social life ... ' ( V. Lenin 'A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialism Economics' pages 69 - 70 ) 

 The Korean path of revolution, after the liberation and establishment of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in 1945, developed in line with the historical needs of the new people's republic. Comrade Kim Il Sung and then Kim Il Jong, developed the Korean revolution into three general areas: ideological, technical and cultural. These 'three faces' of the Korean Revolution, helped build a modern and developed state of people's democracy as is now. 

The Korean path to socialism is exceptionally rich and distinctive. It is unique on a world scale, primarily in the fact that, as one of the few, it is solid and durable, it is firmly established on the foundation of the ideology of the popular masses, which Kim Il Sung phenomenally formulated with focus on man and his needs in the Juche Idea. 

 The Korean revolution is not a copy of any kind of revolution but has its own style and spirit. 

 Nowadays, after many decades of splendid development of the DPRK, this revolutionary path is close to achieving a great goal - full communism in social and economic relations. No country in the world has come as close to the ideal of a communist state as the DPRK, and this is due to the steadfast and incessant march of the Korean people on the path of socialism, illuminated by the beacon of wisdom of their leaders with Marshall Kim Jong Un as a first.

The invincible spirit of Mount Paektu, the spirit of struggle and sacrifice of the first partisans of the Korean People's Army lasts and will last forever in the hearts of the Korean people, it will mark and illuminate the Korean path of revolution, the path in the successful march to fully communism. 

Free health service with extensive social care, free accommodation and no taxes are a few from a long list to make DPRK a country of real socialism, socialist paradise with a social system that is friendly to people and focused on their needs, and the continuous improvement of their living conditions in every way. 

DPRK is a country that cares about its values and achievements. This is because, unfortunately, there are many enemies. The enemies have existed since DPRK was founded and even before. Peoples Korea since its founding has met with extremely hostile activities from imperialist countries led by the US. Therefore, the DPRK must protect and defend its socio - political system, it must always be vigilant and attentive to any attempts of hostile activity. By the way, Comrade Alejandro Cao de Benos who is the founder and president Korean Friendship Association said: '

You never will open the door to your house to a person that has been insulting your father, insulting you and something and threatening you and sanctioning you. If you do not know something, if for you DPRK is a black hole you say for me do not know anything about DPRK It is such a mysterious country, you know. It is a secret country - okay, it is fine. It is true. It is a secret country, you can see that. It is a fortress we are very much protecting our system' ( From a movie: 'The Propaganda Game' ) 

It is a fortress indeed. This fortress has been built up by many decades for peoples as a land of happiness. It is a land where each citizen lives to the fullest of his possibilities and development and realizes his natural aspirations and needs without obstacles for all. Not for selfish reasons or for profit, as is the case in capitalist countries, but for the good of the whole, for the good of a whole society and therefore where there is a high degree of social discipline and activity for the good of the motherland and its development. 

The DPRK is a fully sovereign state. A state that is independent and not dependent on anything or anyone in political, economic and social spheres. DPRK is a country where power is in the hands of the popular masses. It means that every citizen of DPRK is allowed to contribute in democratic elections and express their opinions and ideas. Not like in imperialist countries where the ruling classes dictate who and where is taken the state power to express aspirations to secure the bourgeois interests of a group of capitalist corporations or owners of the resources of production. The economy in DPRK is planned according to the central plan and subordinated to the needs of the society and not for the profit of private owners. The wise and prudent DPRK state manages all areas of socio-economic life in accordance with the philosophy of Juche focused on man and his needs. 

The last decade of developing Peoples Korea shows clearly that the path from the beginning time, from foundations and guerilla's was and is absolutely right. People's Korea is growing in strength and power in the military and economic spheres. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is an 'Asian - superpower' in our age. 

All of this is happening through hardships and difficulties creed by the hostile imperialist countries with the US at the forefront. It is also under the conditions of hostile propaganda and numerous economic sanctions. The Juche philosophy, the philosophy of self-sufficiency and creativity where man is the center of everything under the guidance of brilliant leader beloved and respected Kim Jong Un, guides Peoples Korea, Korea of Juche to new victories and glorious achievements in the march towards communism.

Alan Bolon Korean Friendship Association UK Organization Secretary KFA UK West of England Branch Chairman


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