74 years of progress and prosperity under the banner of the Juche Idea - By Mikel Vivanko Official Delegate KFA for Spain ,Director of Juche Idea Study Group (GEIJ) of Madrid


.On the National Day Juche 111, we, revolutionaries and progressive people of the world, greet with joy a new September 9, when 74 years ago Comrade Eternal President, His Excellency Kim Il Sung, founded the glorious Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the state of working men and women, the true line of attack and defense of socialism, independence, anti-imperialism and workers' internationalism. 

It marked a turning point in the history of mankind. It was an example and a guide for the oppressed peoples of the world struggling for their independence, demonstrating the correctness of Juche Idea and Songun Politics applied to a powerful and prosperous socialist nation.

 It was a beacon of hope for the progressive peoples of the world, and in internationalist solidarity we are humbly moved to defend it by any means necessary. It was a milestone in the history of mankind, for it was and has been the scientific demonstration that socialism and independence of the Masses can be put into practice, and that its existence can be maintained as opposed to the revisionism that has put an end to other similar experiences in the world. 

The Great General, His Excellency Kim Jong Il, was a faithful follower of the path taken by the Eternal President, and to this day, His Excellency, Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, is a worthy heir and continuator of the imperishable and countless victories achieved by the Great Persons of Mount Paektu, always at the side of the Korean Masses. 

Korean-style socialism, Juche and Songun, are the tools that guarantee the success of the DPRK throughout history. Today, we know that long years of success and everlasting achievements await Songun Korea under the wise leadership of our Dear Marshal. Through the complete and perfect Party-Army-People symbiosis, we augur a bright future for the DPRK, and pledge to support, nurture and accompany it on its revolutionary road for all eternity. Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! Choseon Minjujuui Inmin Kongwaguk, manse!


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