74 years of Progress and Prosperity under the Banner of the Juche Idea Introductory report to the Europe-based International online seminar to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of the DPRK. September 3rd, 2022. By Christer Lundgren, Chairman of the Swedish-Korean Friendship Association.


Dear friends of the Korean people!

Welcome to this important international online seminar, which is being held to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the successive great victories achieved under the banner of the Juche idea during its 74 years of existence, headed by the great leaders President Kim Il Sung, General Secretary Kim Jong Il and Chairman Kim Jong Un.

My congratulations to the organizers of this seminar, particularly Dr Dermot Hudson on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu (OCIFPGPP).

The founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the 9th of September 1948, was an extraordinary event in the countrys history, when the masses of the Korean people, headed by the great leader Kim Il Sung, for the first time in the country's 5,000-year history founded their own state to secure Koreas independent existence and ensure their security and prosperity. That splendid victory was the result of decades of arduous struggle against Japanese colonialism and U.S. imperialism for national unity and sovereignty.

Through the implementation of democratic reforms such as the agrarian reform, the nationalization of key industries and gender equality, and through the establishment of the Peoples Government, the DPRK developed a unique model of society, Korean-style progressive democracy with the working masses as the masters.

Having occupied south Korea, the US imperialists were desperate to nip the bud of Korean independence, crush the young democratic people’s republic, and establish their hegemony over the entire Korean peninsula. Through the Korean war, they tried to just that, mobilizing huge forces and several allies, but the Korean people fought heroically, resisted the imperialist invaders, and defended their Republic.

The reconstruction of the country was completed in less than three years after the war, and in 14 years the century-long task of creating socialist industrialization was successfully accomplished in the spirit of the legendary horse Chollima, that can run 400 kilometers in a day. The concept of Chollima Korea became internationally widely spread.

Since its founding, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has achieved remarkable achievements in socialist construction by thoroughly applying the Juche idea and managing everything according to its specific conditions and the interests of the people. Universal free healthcare and free education were implemented, and a heyday of socialism began in all areas of society.

The collapse of socialism in several other countries at the end of the last century weakened the faith in socialism among many people in the world. The international imperialists tried to exploit the collapse of socialism to subdue the DPRK, but the leader Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, published important works defending socialism and its inevitability.

Through the powerful Songun politics, the Korean people carried out the arduous march, thus crushing the offensive launched by the imperialist allied forces to suffocate socialist Korea, defended

the socialist system, and ushered in a new era to build a powerful socialist country.

The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea proved itself to be an invincible socialist fortress that no one can destroy.

The secret behind the victories of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is the wholehearted unity in which the nations leaders and the people share the nations purpose and destiny. This unanimous unity, unique in the world, is the most powerful and indestructible political weapon.

The cause of the people, the socialist cause of Juche, whose solid cornerstone was provided by the President and which was further developed by Chairman Kim Jong Il, is now greeting the heyday of its development in the great era of Kim Jong Un.

Today the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is a strong independent socialist state, whose people, under the powerful leadership of Chairman Kim Jong Un, defy all difficulties and obstacles in the socialist construction with tremendous strength, firm unity and militant will to fight, to secure peoples lives and security, stabilize their existence and guard peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.


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