74 YEARS OF PROGRESS AND INDEPENDENCE by Shaun Pickford,secretary general British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea , Chairman Stoke On Trent branch of the BGSJI Chairman Staffordshire KFA


September 9th will mark the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the first truly sovereign state in Korean history. The DPRK is the great achievement of the Korean revolutionaries and people, who through bloody struggle made the solution of the question of state power by the popular masses possible. Kim IL Sung is rightfully considered to be the architect of the DPRK as the realisation of the Korean people's aspirations for independence. The concept of the DPRK arose from the strategy of uniting the maximum number of people who opposed imperialism and feudalism. Examples of these precursors were found in the form of the People's Revolutionary Government which had been setup in the liberated zones of Manchuria and the Northern Areas of Korea during the Anti-Japanese armed struggle (1925-1945) and in the shape of the Association For The Restoration of The Fatherland in May 1936. This revolutionary tradition of building a broad front movement was continued after Korea's liberation in August 1945. The question was posed by some quarters that the New Korea should become either the Proletarian Soviet-style Republic or the Bourgeois Democratic type Republic? Kim IL Sung stated that Liberated Korea should be a Democratic People's Republic, which was more suited to the circumstances of the Korean Revolution.

Elections for the power organs of the DPRK took place throughout the Korean peninsula on August 25th 1948. As a result of the North-South General Election, the first session of the Supreme People's Assembly was convened in Pyongyang on September 2nd, 1948. The SPA session was attended by 572 Deputies who had been voted in from constituencies in both north and south of Korea. Kim IL Sung was elected the Premier of the Cabinet (The Head of State) and the Great Leader Kim IL Sung proclaimed to the world the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on September 9th, 1948. Since its foundation, the DPRK has turned into a strong socialist state, in which everything serves the people. The Supreme People's Assembly is the highest organ of state power in the DPRK. There are People's 

Assemblies on the Province, County and City level. The SPA is composed of Deputies elected on the principle of universal suffrage. Deputies to the state organs can be recalled at any time if they lose the confidence of the electorate. In the SPA, Deputies from the Working Class and Peasantry comprise the majority of the parliamentarians and half of the SPA Deputies are women. In the DPRK there are three political parties such as the Workers' Party of Korea, the Social-Democratic Party and the Chondoist Chongu Party, and public organisations such as the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League and the General Federation of Trade Unions have a say in governmental affairs. Politics in the DPRK are not corrupted by the special interests of plutocratic elites but are an ultimate example of genuine democracy in action.

In a space of seventy  four years, the DPRK has gained centuries' worth of accomplishments, to become an advanced industrial-agricultural state. The political and social system of the DPRK guarantees the right to employment, the right to free social housing, the right to health care, the right to education (from primary to university level), no taxation of any kind, and the right to subsidised food and transport. In many ways, the greatest achievement by the DPRK is to have made the Korean people a totally self-determining nation, in other words, the right to be Korean.

Kim Jong Un was elected the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK on June 29th, 2016, reflecting the acknowledgement of the DPRK's Supreme Leader's statesmanship. Chairman Kim Jong Un ensured that the DPRK is advancing towards the objective of becoming a Thriving Socialist Nation, where the material and technological conditions are of the highest quality. On the international arena, the DPRK due to Kim Jong Un's leadership has emerged as being a dignified and respected World Power. The historical question of Korean reunification is now in the process of resolution, which has been accelerated by the deep concern of the DPRK Government. Let all progressive people around the globe celebrate and commemorate all the successes completed by Democratic Korea, which has overcome all manner of difficulties and obstacles. The Democratic People's Republic 

of Korea can be seen as the crowning glory of International Socialism. Along the Red Road of Juche and Songun, there will be even more radiant victories for the courageous people of the DPRK!!!

Shaun Pickford

secretary general British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea 

Chairman Stoke On Trent branch of the BGSJI

Chairman Staffordshire KFA


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